From Genesis 1:26 when God  nursed the creation of man, He was to create and indeed created a pure and unique creature in his own image and his likeness. At creation then, man was without the DNA for evil, for our God is a holy God. Until Genesis 3, that was the state of man-the image and the likeness of a holy God. Before then  the man heard and understood only one voice, obeyed just the one voice  and enjoyed fellowship with only one being-God alone. By Genesis 3, some dangerous adventurer invaded man's dwelling dared his purity thus the introduction of a dissenting and a contrary voice. The new and strange voice freely offered man the devolution of knowledge and power. The DNA for evil then was supplanted in the man. Since then the crisis of opinion, choice and allegiance began. Disobedience took the centre stage, nakedness became reason for shame, the bond of fellowship was broken, estrangement resulted. By Genesis 11, the quest for unity, ill motivated by name seeking and name making birthed races. From the Tower of Babel incident then, began the rise of races, tribes and languages  the root of the evil syndrome of racism, tribalism, nepotism, religionism and all forms of negative and dehumanising isms. The pure man God created yielded to being infiltrated and contaminated by the serpent one of the creatures he was meant to rule over. Or could it be that the serpent was not listed to be ruled over by the man? Well, the serpent undid man and man became a stench before God. A deterioration then began of the human-God relationship and the man-man relationship. A brother plotted and killed a brother signifying how far away man has gone from God. Since then the gap of relationship between man and man, and of fellowship between God and man has kept widening. This divisive tendency has loomed on unabated and has been getting worse and worse for it, making God's created earth an ever uncomfortable and unsafe place to live in. If earth the human habitation, has you not welcomed and hated with passion in some part of it, what an irony that is? If the whole of human race is created by God, and if races are yet his idea to have humankind fulfill his purpose for their creation-multiply, increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it, then no race or tribe has any genetic advantage and therefore superiority placement over the other, since no race chose nor created itself, more so, the whole human race is from one seed but spread out like a typical plant seed through dispersal,  from the human dispersal that began at Babel. From that point, the direction everyone took as ordered by He who dispersed them and where they eventuality settled down gave them their racial identity. While humankind orchestrates and perfects racial and tribal discrimination, God from heaven sees non but man created in his own image and wherever he made them settle, He without favouritism fraught with abundance for their sustenance. The whole earth and all that is in it belong to the Lord. Yet over the same resources that are the gift of God and the common wealth of humankind, we the created beings of the highest class are racially and tribally discriminating against each other. The God sent barrier breaker Jesus Christ came and broke every kind of barrier and expects that these barriers remain broken but depraved humankind keeps re-erecting  these barriers. Are you anti barrier or a pro barrier? What barrier broken by Jesus have you rebuilt or are you rebuilding? What walls are you reconstructing that Jesus pulled down? Note: the barriers you are rebuilding may bar you from salvation and eternal life. Your hold on a portion of the world under whatever guise, is but temporary and for a while. The world without other races will be a dull world. Accommodating other races in "your" portion of the world gives the world,  the spice God the creator intended. Remember that this earth will fold up some day and we will all go back to our source, races, tribes, colour and sex not withstanding. We all will go back to only one source, God the source of the human race. Before you exit this world, be sure that you leave no barrier that is of your own erection behind for barriers are no legacies.

Stay blessed


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