The monster in the bully is the show of might or power of whatever form by another person or a group of persons in the violent maltreatment of an innocent person or a people group without a cause to attract such. The person or people so maltreated who may be about peacefully pursuing a  genuine cause, may not have necessarily infringed on anyone's right, thus provoking such a treatment,  but normally suffer the bully's monster for daring to  say their mind or tamper with the status co ante.

The people with the best narrative of the experience of the monster in the bully are the young, weak and fragile lone and without a big brother or influential and affluential parental background of yesteryears, who took a long distance trekking to and from school. The general scenario in those days was most often than not of hatred displayed in the show of might and  the superiority of age and size. Children of the  minority clans and of poor family background, were the most vulnerable. They were always at the mercy of the older and large size guys who were easily readily at hand to harshly descending on them unleashing the monster in the bully that they are typical of. Sometimes the beating and torture may be so severe,  yet the mouth of the victim must remain shut for fear of a repeat molestation in the  morrow, if they must be in school. Such was the maltreatment and the marginalization experienced by the age, size and family background disadvantaged of yesteryears.

Today we still have those acts that used to be perpetrated in the little corners of our villages, painting the picture of the bigger Nigeria reflected in the recurring show of this monster in the bully by the frequent bullying and trampling down of particular people groups, tribes, and the smaller and weaker ethnic nationalities of our country. In reality, the minor tribes of this country, rarely ever look for anybody's trouble nor provoke a segment of the country  to anger. All that has always sought to or destabilize the peace and unity of this country are the titans-the big or major tribes, leaving the minority tribes robed into it and suffering as the grass under the fighting elephants. It is either Boko Haram backed by some  unseen powerful forces giving and implementing a quit notice order and dateline, or Fulani Militia descending on an unsuspecting innocent minority tribal people group and rooting them off their land without government, the custodian of every single life intervening nor raising an eyebrow. And of recent, the IPOB struggling for the right to self determination,  leaving the rest of the nation security threatened, peace robbed and ill at ease.

Though the bullying of those days  may have been due to  the non civilization and lack of exposure in those dark eras  when there was little or no awareness of rights as such people went away with atrocities committed without the arm of the law stretching out to search, fish them out and hold them responsible for their crimes. Today however, Nigeria has gone pass that age, our civilization has surpassed the crudeness and cruelty of those years. But it will seem that with advancement in civilization and more a educated populace, the physical might of age and size of those days, has been replaced with ethnic or tribal/religious, political/governmental com military might.

Nigeria is a constituent assemblage of many ethnic nationalities which as popularly believed, a mistake of history, yet a deliberate forging of God. And that we have come a long way and all need each other, is no gainsaying. Any division then along tribal or ethnic lines, may only work for the "major tribes" leaving the numerous minority nationalities either ungathered bits and pieces without a sense of belonging or variously forcefully remaining under the domination and the bullying  marginalization of the monster in the bully of the major tribes. For the federating units of the biggest black nation on earth then to retain its image and place in the committee of nations, the cry of the federating units for a restructuring that keeps a united and progressive people, yet providing for their self determination without the formation of a parallel government, is indispensable. If we do not settle that issue now, then we will only be elongating the postponement of the evil day, for it has been postponed too long and any further postponement is not healthy for us, for the indicators have been upsetting to the health and progress of the country.

In a multiethnic, multicultural, multi religious secular nation such as ours, the views and the agitations of the people must be heard and attended to and not maverickly  dribbled around by the powers that be. Leaving these agitations unattended to over a long time, has developed into the major ailments that today bedevil and seek to devour us as a nation. These diseases are in the Words of Rev Canon Joseph U. Okolo "the celebration of corruption because most Nigerians worship money, and the institutionalizing of tribal sentiments and Injustice" (paraphrased). The diagnosis of these diseases to our mind is correct and the main prescription drug for the cure of them, is a prevailing and unceasing prayer from the altar of God in addition to a backup in a  righteousness that flows like a never failing river from the political stronghold of the nation. In our current situation, no hate speech, no tribal nor regional cleavages, no political nor soldiers gun in hand, will provide the coveted cure. Except the prescription drug of prayer is taken, the godly virtue of righteousness is imbibed and let roll out without a failing in the public square of governance, and the people and their agitations listened to at a round table dialogue, diplomatic approach, and compromises reached through objective and sincere give and take sacrifices, peace may yet elude us as a people, and if we survive it, the seemingly unceasing brewing crisis, may still be a long way in living with our curable diseases uncured. We pray for the survival of a detribalized, united, progressive and prosperous Nigeria, body, soul and spirit.

God stay you blessed and focused as you pray for Nigeria.



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