
Showing posts from August, 2017
GOD'S ONE HUMAN RACE AND THE RACIAL DIVIDE   From Genesis 1:26 when God  nursed the creation of man, He was to create and indeed created a pure and unique creature in his own image and his likeness. At creation then, man was without the DNA for evil, for our God is a holy God. Until Genesis 3, that was the state of man-the image and the likeness of a holy God. Before then  the man heard and understood only one voice, obeyed just the one voice  and enjoyed fellowship with only one being-God alone. By Genesis 3, some dangerous adventurer invaded man's dwelling dared his purity thus the introduction of a dissenting and a contrary voice. The new and strange voice freely offered man the devolution of knowledge and power. The DNA for evil then was supplanted in the man. Since then the crisis of opinion, choice and allegiance began. Disobedience took the centre stage, nakedness became reason for shame, the bond of fellowship was broken, estrangement resulted. By Genesis 1...
THE PRAYER OF A LONGING SERVANT Almighty God and Father, King of kings and Lord of lords I worship you, I adore you and I praise you for your glory, I thank you for my creation,sustenance,protection and promotion. Lord you have prophesied me a wonder child, make me truly one by wonder rolls-out. Make me truly a servant per excellence. Make me lost souls hungry and lost souls thirsty. Make me a hunter after every one of your children lost and perishing for every soul you created is precious and none do you desire lost. Therefore make the zeal for the search for them ever burning in me and how could that be without you doing the unusual by me? Getting these souls just as they are satan robbed, sin stained, sin driven and helplessly wandering about pointing them to you for a wash,a cleasing and a rebirth. Hear my prayers o God, and use even me as a rescue agent. I pray this through the merit of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour.Amen.  Stay blessed!
The Broom Sweeping: What Future for Nigeria? While life is harsh on Nigeria right now, we hope that this is momentary. On the other hand however, the broom appears really sweeping both the surface and the crevices-for the funds that past office holders- both civil servants and politicians carted away while in office. If this is justly and fairly gone about, without partisan and sentimental inclinations and biases, then what a good omen and welcome gesture this is to the Nigerian nation. The impunity of corruption must be curbed and better checked apparatuses subsequently put in place to continuously checkmate such excesses. May the broom earnestly, honestly sweep clean everyone that is traced to have accumulated the corruption filth on themselves. For a swept house makes for a clean environment and a clean environment makes for a healthy inhabitant. A swept Nigeria then, will be a ready environment to breed a healthier generation of tomorrow's Nigerians. The way you make ...
THE NEEDY OF THE WORLD What does the hurting, grieving, distressed, depressed and the hopeless need? Not necessarily money, for they may be rich people, not words, for they may be people of wisdom, not sympathy because that cannot change their  situation, not a visitor for they will soon go away, but company -someone who is ever there for them, a compassionate person who may have no money but is forthcoming in great care giving, a person of few words but swift in intervening actions. A person who has comfort but is willing to let go that the one under the scorch of harsh weather may have it. That person who is willing to come off the umbrella and into the rain that the desperate may come under its cover. That was the Good Samaritan, that was Tabitha and that most importantly is Jesus. He gave up the Wealth and Comfort of heaven, came down to earth as man, poured his pure and sin free life into sin impoverished humankind, got himself spent and turned poor that wretched you and m...
A PRAYER FOR MARRIAGE AND SEXUALITY  Dear Lord, God of dignity and God of honour. The God who will not tolerate the diminishing of his glory. We adore, honour, worship and lift high your holy name. We appreciate you for being a deliberate creator and for the mystery of life. Of all creatures, you fearfully and wonderfully created the human specie. You made us after your image and your likeness. In creating us you gave us much more than the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea and all other creatures you created. You endowed us with much more than instinct; you wove us with sense and which goes with the ability to reason. You created humankind male and female. Unlike other creatures whose male and female specie, you created all at once, it was your idea to create the man first and your idea to create the woman thereafter. The creation of the woman was necessitated by the fact that while other creatures enjoyed companionship, the man had no comp...