A PRAYER FOR MARRIAGE AND SEXUALITYDear Lord, God of dignity and God of honour. The God who will not tolerate the diminishing of his glory. We adore, honour, worship and lift high your holy name. We appreciate you for being a deliberate creator and for the mystery of life. Of all creatures, you fearfully and wonderfully created the human specie. You made us after your image and your likeness. In creating us you gave us much more than the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea and all other creatures you created. You endowed us with much more than instinct; you wove us with sense and which goes with the ability to reason. You created humankind male and female. Unlike other creatures whose male and female specie, you created all at once, it was your idea to create the man first and your idea to create the woman thereafter. The creation of the woman was necessitated by the fact that while other creatures enjoyed companionship, the man had no companion. The man was then lonely. You knew that the man will need companionship but you did not make him at the same time with the woman his rightful companion. This was within your good plan that the man may have a desire for and highly value his companion. In your good wisdom you created the woman to kick away the man's loneliness. You then personally joined them together in the first ever wedding conducted on earth and in the world, by taking and giving the woman to the man in marriage. Thus making the woman a special gift to the man and making their relationship stand out distinct from that of other creatures.This divine and sovereign act of yours then, instituted the marriage institution. By your deliberate setting up of this institution, you intended to set up an earthly home as a a model and a replica of the heavenly home that humankind will eventually end up in. This was to be a:Home where your name was to reign and never deniedHome that the governance of was to be upon your shoulderHome where your counsel was to be the counselHome where the children were to be grown in your love and fearHome where the beauty of love was to be the crownHome where your instructions were not be flauntedHome where the man and the woman were to be co-owners and co-buildersHome where you are had at heart and not on the wall as guest ofHome where the dignity you bestowed on humans was to be jealously guarded, preserved and promoted.Over the years and centuries however, O'Lord, this wonderful institution of yours has come under siege. The marriage institution which you thoughtfully conceived and birthed between man and woman, and by which humanity has multiplied and is still multiplying to subdue the earth as commanded by you, has been viciously attacked by humankind whom you set apart as the sole beneficiary. The humankind has since lost its sensibility and has since been reduced to animalistic instinct. Our heart-the engine room of the human specie, is at a knocked-dawn stage and running on depravity. Doomsday may not be too far from us. Lord have mercy.Sexual attraction has since digressed and shifted from the opposite sex to same-sex. Sodom and Gomorrah began it all way back in Genesis 18 in the Generation of Lot, while righteous Abraham then still lived on. Since then, it has gone virile and has sipped on through the sensibility of humankind and has ever been terribly corrupting it and erasing every sense of godliness off the human heart. Having lost our sense of godliness, we have given in to sensuality and our sense of morality has unabatedly witnessed continuous nosediving and degeneration. Our sense of values has been reduced to chaff and is being irredeemably trampled upon. We have violated every God prescribed value. When our sense of godliness goes comatose, what else can stand O'Lord? We repent that we are no longer worthy of your image and likeness and therefore your name. Our love for our fellow human being has ran dry. We today, love our pets (animals) more than we do the humankind. That is why humankind will propose marriage to his/her pet and go to conduct a wedding between them and the pet. What a sad destruction of the human sensibility and dignity. What you forbid in the Bible is what we are promoting. Our journey down the drain has continued defying every wage insertion. Today we have moved from homosexuality to incest and from incest to bestiality. Our sense of godliness is totally lost and our moral value system totally collapsed. We have rejected and let go Christ our spiritual pivot and moral compass and as a result have had our spiritual spinal cord broken and gone with it, is our spiritual balance. We have then, lost our sexual morals which have been swept away with our human values. We have therefore re-invented to suit our depraved state our own marital and sexual values. O' Lord have mercy on us. We have lost every taste for your word our sure safeguard for sin and in its place, have courted profanity and defilement and we are today objects of your wrath and may get destroyed where your mercy is withdrawn. We have espoused idolatry and adultery in place of you the one true God. Consequently, what is visited upon our marriages and homes today, is abuse and continuous abuse. We have defied all sound judgment and have gone raping the marriage bride, O' Lord forgive us. We have hated you and therefore hated ourselves by projecting unfaithfulness, greed, self assertion, impatience and intolerance in our marriages, and as such our marriages are crumbling and our homes ruining. Lord have mercy on us.Human sexuality your creation has been reduced to a matter for human debate and human legislation both in the church and the public square, what cheapening of your ordinance. The fallout of this is the certification of perversion under the guise of alternative lifestyle. O'Lord visit us with your mercy. On the altar of self esteem, we denied our children discipline and guided growth through life and have left them wanderers like sheep without shepherd. O'Lord have compassion on us. We have treated the Bible, your holy word as any other book, trampled on its time-honoured values in the name of modernity. Father let not your mercy pass us by.As you did with Sodom and Gomorrah, dear Lord, visit our world today. Jesus Christ your only son whom you sacrificed to redeem humankind, has come and gone, yet rather than have a sin free humanity, our state of depravity has deepened and worsened. Since Christ will not come again until the end of times, send O'Lord we cry unto you, like you did Sodom and Gomorrah, your angels who remain ever available to go. Send them out again to our world and very quickly, we cry unto you O'Lord. Come in grace and in mercy, but also come with your wrath, for where mercy and grace are neglected and rejected by us, we will surely not escape your wrath. For if the world must roll on in honour of you, O'Lord, then its sanity is not negotiable.Come O'Lord and redeem our marriages, come and redeem our homes, come and redeem our sexual disorientation, come and revamp our sexual life, come and redeem the human dignity, come and restore honour to your Holy name. Come O'Lord come.+Zhumbes
THE MONSTER IN THE BULLY The monster in the bully is the show of might or power of whatever form by another person or a group of persons in the violent maltreatment of an innocent person or a people group without a cause to attract such. The person or people so maltreated who may be about peacefully pursuing a genuine cause, may not have necessarily infringed on anyone's right, thus provoking such a treatment, but normally suffer the bully's monster for daring to say their mind or tamper with the status co ante. The people with the best narrative of the experience of the monster in the bully are the young, weak and fragile lone and without a big brother or influential and affluential parental background of yesteryears, who took a long distance trekking to and from school. The general scenario in those days was most often than not of hatred displayed in the show of might and the superiority of age and size. Children of t...
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