What does the hurting, grieving, distressed, depressed and the hopeless need? Not necessarily money, for they may be rich people, not words, for they may be people of wisdom, not sympathy because that cannot change their situation, not a visitor for they will soon go away, but company -someone who is ever there for them, a compassionate person who may have no money but is forthcoming in great care giving, a person of few words but swift in intervening actions. A person who has comfort but is willing to let go that the one under the scorch of harsh weather may have it. That person who is willing to come off the umbrella and into the rain that the desperate may come under its cover.
That was the Good Samaritan, that was Tabitha and that most importantly is Jesus. He gave up the Wealth and Comfort of heaven, came down to earth as man, poured his pure and sin free life into sin impoverished humankind, got himself spent and turned poor that wretched you and me may be enriched.
To those that needed sight, Jesus gave sight, to those that needed cleansing, he cleansed, to those that needed hearing, he gave hearing, to those that needed to walk, their lamed and crippled legs he straightened, strengthened and sent walking, to those that needed sanity, he sanitized by de-possessing them of demons, to those who mourned, he gave comfort, to those that requested the water of life, he supplied, to those that needed company, he was the best of companions and for all of us, he poured out his precious blood to purchase our pardon and secure our salvation at no cost.
That is who Jesus is to the whole of humanity and what he modelled for you and me.
What is your attitude toward the hurting and grieving? Do you draw near or keep off them? Are you with a heart that is compassionate enough to go into their destabilizing situations? When the distressed, depressed and hopeless need you, are you there for them? Just as you do need the close presence of Jesus in your trying moments, so do your friends need your company in addition to his when the heat of life is turned on them.
Jesus is always there for you in your seemingly anchorless moments. For he is ever close to the brokenhearted. Do you know he is with you right now? You may not feel his presence but that does not imply his absence, for he is an omnipresent God. Like Jesus, be there for somebody today and always.
Stay Blessed!
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