Darkness and light do not ever agree that is why they will never dwell together. Their ways are always ever at variance. Darkness much more than a defined period of time in a day, is a state of the heart. It is a description of being given to evil and wickedness. Light on the other hand is that which brightens every place and situation thus exposing, dispelling and sending evil to flight and making for the security and confidence of the righteous. While one is shrouded in secrecy, the other operates on a righteous pedestal in plainness and transparency. Fellowship with God places us in the place of light and makes us enemies of darkness, for God is light and in him there is no darkness at all. It is then dualism to claim a fellowship with God yet be found operating in the dark corridors of the world. People of truth live in the glow of the light of him who is the light-The Lord God Almighty himself and they  live by the truth and for the truth. Living and walking in the light is not easy. It is a herculean task because by nature humankind is a lover of darkness. In darkness is stolen all that is craved after to gratify the flesh. Darkness by its nature potents  estrangement and danger and betrays loss, gloom and sorrow. Light attracts even insects; it draws humans together in fellowship and when brothers love and not hate, they manifest the light and dispel darkness and he who loves does not stumble. With such fellowships ever flowing, the blood of Jesus Christ purifies from all our sins. However haters of the brethren are dwellers of darkness and people who walk around in darkness not knowing where they are going because the darkness has blindfolded them.

We though have fellowship with God and walk in the light, yet remain saints in the making and work in progress. We remain a people being bashed by sin every now and then. That makes the need for the purifying blood of Jesus Christ inevitable. We then never claim that we are without sin, for all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. Do not therefore deceive and reduce yourself to a liar by claiming sinlessness, for non of us is. No one is infallible, we all are. Our making as saints  is ongoing and only comes through by admitting, confessing and repenting of our sins. When we, in humility do admit our state of wretchedness then the  purifying blood of Christ, purifies us for he is faithful and will always forgive our sins and purify us from every unrighteousness. The only evidence of our being in the light is owning up to our woes, for by so doing we prove our God as a righteous God.

Stay Blessed!


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